I have often wondered what all the fuss was about when you hear those who are enthusiastic about craft beer talking and after one fantastic afternoon in Crowthorne I had the the bug.
I was teaching a first aid course in Berkshire and at lunch I headed out for a sandwich, on my way back I spotted a coffee shop that also did craft beer. My cappuccino was great but the owner of The Hive sent me a way with much more, namely my first ever craft beer sour. I can't remember what it was, but a few days later I was sitting having a drink with Josh, Dea and Samantha when I opened one of the cans, the rest is simply history.
Now I am a fully fledged fan, I have the Untapped app and love a good review. There have been the good, the bad and the outright undrinkable, but I still go back for more. However, this should be a cheap hobby, but at £5.00+ per can it can (no pun intended) soon mount up.
Here are a couple fi the highs and lows for me so far:

Squeeze Please (Tooth & Claw) - I just love the lemony freshness of this fruited gose, I don't know what a fruited gose was until Russ introduced me, but now it is my go to after every home game.

Swoop (Wander Beyond Brewing) - I've only ever been lucky enough to get the third of this sweet, cherry heavy, plummy, amazing Double Berliner. If I can get my hands on anymore I will, it will almost be the worth the drive back to Leek for this alone.
Not a fan
Oh my god - avoid