So I am that age where I feel like I want to outline some goals, this is the start of it and I am sure there will be more.
1. British Triathlon Super Series (Leeds/London/Blenheim) - Sprint series 2021
I have now completed the AJ Bell Leeds Triathlon, Long Triathlon and Blenheim Triathlon, it hurt, a lot! But it has inspired me to do more. I'd love to raise £1000 this year for charities and this was the ideal way to try and do it. Thank you to everyone who supported me.
Leeds 2021 - AJ Bell Leeds World Triathlon
London 2021 - London Triathlon
Blenheim 2021 - Blenheim Palace Triathlon
2. See the world three times by land, sea and air
Back in 2009 I was lucky enough to travel around the world by air, it gave me the bug and someday it like to do it again. I have seen some amazing places, and met amazing people, but there is so much more.
By AIR - 2009
London - Paris - Rome - Penang (Malaysia) - Hong Kong - Tokyo - Hawaii - Los Angeles - Dallas - Cancun - Miami - Barbados
3. Run a Half Marathon with my brother
Josh and I ran the 2021 Great North Run to raise money for Samaritans, they changed the route this year and it was a killler. Despite injury (Josh), a nose bleed (Josh) and old age (me), we made it.
4. Complete my PhD
5. Christmas in the snow with my family
6. Learn to plaster